Auto Glass Only
Auto Glass Only partnered with WRIS Web Services to build an online presence to provide service to their customers. The result was a fully functional quoting system, responsive design, and maximized SEO.
Services Provided:
API Integrations • Gateway Connections• Marketing Landing Pages
Project Detail
AutoGlassOnly.com is part of the largest and oldest automotive glass replacement and repair network in the United States. They are serious about service and knew that meant they had to be serious about their website. When they partnered with WRIS Web Services to create their online presence, both teams got down to business.
First, let's look at what AutoGlassOnly.com allows customers to do. When you visit the site you can:
- Get a quote for your window replacement based on your vehicle's make and model as well as the damage location.
- Review the quote and then proceed to schedule an appointment online at a location of your choice (home, office, etc.).
- Choose to pre-pay for your window replacement.
And we should mention that because the site was built with a responsive design layout, all of this can occur from a desktop, a laptop, a tablet, or even your phone, 5 minutes after your windshield gets dinged.
In addition, the robust content management system allows the AutoGlassOnly.com customer service team to confirm all appointment information or make updates to it if necessary.
As you can expect, functionality like this required the site to be integrated with several 3rd party services. Sometimes this is straightforward and sometimes this is complex, but it all results in a great user experience.
Additional Detail
Neither WRIS nor the Client wanted the great user experience to end there. The website was built to be flexible so that future updates and enhancements are painless. In addition to flexible growth benefits, the site was highly customized for maximum SEO, including creative usage of search landing pages and results.
September 2014 Update: It's A Winner! We are happy to report that the AutoGlassOnly.com website has been awarded a 2014 Standard of Excellence WebAward! You can get all the details here.