Charles Mfg. - Website Design
Founded in 1982, Charles Mfg. provides metal fabrication services to a variety of industries, including automotive, food service, mining, and defense. When they decided to redesign their website, they partnered with WRIS Web Services to create a website that not only provides a gallery where potential customers can see their work, but also makes it easy for those customers to request a quote.
Project URL:
Project Overview
Founded in 1982, Charles Mfg. provides metal fabrication services to a variety of industries, including automotive, food service, mining, and defense. When they decided to redesign their website, they partnered with WRIS Web Services to create a website that not only provides a gallery where potential customers can see their work, but also makes it easy for those customers to request a quote. Like many clients, they longed for something that they could easily update on their own without the need for a development company at the ready. With difficulty in finding something that does not have a large learning curve, something that could be easily understood by those who are not in websites for a living, they came to us to find that solution.
Achieving Their Goals
With ease of access, editability, and user experience as the highlights WRIS set out to find the right solution to meet their needs. At the time, Wordpress was just becoming a main choice for informational or marketing websites. Finding that we could showcase a gallery and create easy to fill in forms we set out to develope just the right look to lay on top of it. After an approved design direction was provided, we utilized Visual Composer as an editor within wordpress and created a website worthy of their industry.