WRIS Web Services specializes in ColdFusion website and application development. This can be beneficial for any company using ColdFusion, but especially for companies who run their business while leveraging a legacy platform. While we do build from scratch, our knowledge and experience can help your organization in several capacities.
No matter what the reason, the ColdFusion developers at WRIS Web Services are ready to assist, and getting started is easy. First, we’ll get to know you and your organization, and discuss your current and future needs. We’ll agree on goals and get started by getting up to speed with your application and creating documentation to allow us to know exactly where everything is and how it works. The possibilities are endless, but below are some of the ways we’ve been able to help clients in the past.
This is one of the most common reasons a business would find themselves in need of additional ColdFusion development services. Upgrading your ColdFusion may not be something you want to tackle if you haven’t done it before. We have extensive experience helping companies not only upgrade their ColdFusion, but also with troubleshooting compatibility issues that may arise as well as migrating to a newer operating system and server in the process.
Sometimes companies have an in-house ColdFusion developer, or partner with a ColdFusion shop. Even then, situations arise where they find the need for additional development services to act as a back-up. Maybe their in-house developer is taking a leave of absence or their ColdFusion partner is experiencing a delay in response time. WRIS Web Services can step in for those times when you want to make sure to avoid unnecessary downtime, or in the unexpected case of an emergency.
What about when a company just wants to see if they could be doing better? Maybe their application isn’t broken, but they have a sneaking suspicion it could be improved. Or maybe they do know that they need improvements, but they just don’t know where to start. Because our ColdFusion developers have such vast experience, they can confidently look at an application and make recommendations to solve problems or make improvements.
No matter the reason, WRIS Web Services has the ability to be your company’s ColdFusion insurance policy, ready to help out and provide support when the need arises. If you’d like to learn more, just give us a call at 440.600.2495, find us on live chat at wris.com or drop us an email at support@wris.com.