What is GA4 and Why Should I Upgrade from Classic Google Analytics?
Classice Google Analytics has reached End-of-Life. Now is time to switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).
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What is GA4 and Why Should I Upgrade from Classic Google Analytics?
Classice Google Analytics has reached End-of-Life. Now is time to switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).
Creating Content and Making it Interesting
Creating routine content that engages users typically correlates to higher seo ranking. The goal isn’t to just add new content to your website, but to make that content engaging for your site visitors. This doesn’t necessarily mean blogging, but blogging is a very effective and efficient “organic” method to achieve that favor from the search engine algorithms.
Brand Identity: more than a logo
“A Brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or company. A Brand is not what YOU say it is. A Brand is what THEY say it is.”
- Martin Neumeier in “The Brand Gap”
The Big lie about DIY
DIY website builders advertise and display themselves as a simple, easy to use solution to get professional modern websites at low cost. While it's definitely a bonus to pay so little to get your website published and your business name out there, it comes at a cost. Your time.
Why Organic SEO is Important for your Website
Organic refers to the optimization of the website build, original content generation, and the dissemination of the content throughout the web. It is not paid SEO advertising. The search engines take your dynamic content, and return results that organically fit with the searches and needs of the user. Your focus is on the content of your website and how it aligns with what users may need at any given time. Is it worth it? YES, and here’s why.
SEO: The process of relating users to content
Many are familiar with the term Search Engine Optimization, meaning getting a website to rank higher in search results. But few know what SEO is actually doing. What are we optimizing? What is a search engine? How does this relate to my business needs? Let’s break this down at the top level.