Come See WRIS at the Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2025
WRIS is Sponsoring Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2025!
More Blogs by WRIS Web Services
ColdFusion is NOT Dead!
If you’ve ever touched a computer at all, chances are you know what HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is. It’s how a website is built, right? But unless you are in the website development field or are responsible for a website built in it, you likely have not heard of CFML, or ColdFusion Markup Language. ColdFusion is an application development tool used for writing web pages that interact with databases, and contrary to what the uninformed may think, it is NOT a dead language.
A New Year ReSEOlution
2018 is upon us. Hopefully, this past year was good to you and your organization, thanks in part to your website. If not, now’s the time to figure out what to do moving forward.
Legacy ColdFusion
When was your ColdFusion based web application first developed? Was it more than 10 years ago? More than 15 years ago? If so, and if you have only done superficial updates since then, you may be finding it more and more difficult to secure quality developers who can help when an issue arises.
SBD - A Smart Business Decision
Whether you’re looking to redesign your website, get help with your website, or even if you need a website and don’t know where to start, the WRIS Small Business Division can help.
Long Distance Relationships
As you may be aware, WRIS moved to a new office space a few months ago. We stayed in the same city...our main office is still based out of Solon, OH.
Making the (Up)Grade
In this day and age, it’s all about the upgrade. Whether it’s your cell phone or a hotel room or a seat on an airplane, an upgrade is generally a good thing that is welcomed. But there is at least one type of upgrade that some may view as daunting and unwelcome: The ColdFusion (CF) Upgrade.