Why Organic SEO is Important for your Website
And is it worth it?
Organic refers to the optimization of the website build, original content generation, and the dissemination of the content throughout the web. It is not paid SEO advertising. The search engines take your dynamic content, and return results that organically fit with the searches and needs of the user. Your focus is on the content of your website and how it aligns with what users may need at any given time. Is it worth it? YES, and here’s why.
Search Match made in Heaven (or Cyberspace)
The purpose of a search engine is to take a search term from a user and match them to the most relevant website for that term. Sounds easy, right? Not so fast. When you consider the immense number of websites that exist, the competitiveness of the largest players and their deep pockets, it becomes an expensive game that can leave the smaller companies drowning in a sea of results. That’s where organic SEO begins to work its magic - both for your company and the users who need to find you!
The Value of Relevant Content
Tailoring your content so that it is easily readable, but also relevant to your audience is a key value for SEO. Search engines are designed to find valuable content and present it when a user needs to find something specific. Search engine algorithms have become much more advanced in the past few years and can consider things like user relevance. Being relevant to users has a much bigger impact on SEO than just the keywords you are focusing on. The importance of relevant content, consistently being updated, will signal to the search engines that you have important information for users, thus increasing your rankings over time - organically.
Of course, if we are going to talk value, we have to talk money. We all know how expensive cost-per-click can be. And buying keywords has you competing with those deep pocket competitors and is less and less important as the algorithms improve. Organic SEO levels the field and gives you a cost effective strategy by keeping your users needs in mind. And that translates to true value impact you will continue to realize beyond any campaign.
Trust and Advertising in the Digital Age
Most of us have become so numb to the idea of seeing advertising media pop up in our searches, that the idea of an ad being relevant to us is practically incomprehensible.
While great care can be put into a digital ad campaign, when a solution to a question or need is found without clicking on an ad, the tendency is to trust those options a little more. The user feels more in control of the search, and becomes genuinely interested in your company as a resource.
The major search platforms are re-emphasising the value of trusted expert content, and that re-opens organic search as a channel for consumers to navigate the storm, bringing new demands for trust, relevance and reliability. This builds brand awareness and relationships over time. Something advertising is not equipped to do beyond the ad in question.
While Google isn’t the only search engine in town, you can’t deny its importance especially when talking about organic search. In their own words, “Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” They have algorithms that concentrate on your website’s Page Quality, measuring the site’s Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness (EAT) as detailed in their 175 page Quality Rater Guidelines (QRG). Google wants to give their users the best answers to their search queries. This document is Google’s attempt at getting websites designed to serve users with purpose, truth and knowledge, and rewarding those that do it well.
Remember that there are several reasons people are searching...those who want to know, want to buy or want to go. Organic SEO strategies enable you to be there for all these phases and translate into brand awareness and future engagement not tied to a paid campaign. Beyond that, you will improve your site to do what it was always meant to do: purposefully serve its users and become a trusted resource to return to again and again.
Let WRIS help you get on the right track with SEO for your needs. Check out some of our SEO Solutions or Contact Us today!