What is GA4 and Why Should I Upgrade from Classic Google Analytics?
Classice Google Analytics has reached End-of-Life. Now is time to switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).
More Blogs by WRIS Web Services
To Blog or Not To Blog
Blogs have been around for over 20 years, and if anything they’ve become more popular. There are personal blogs, small-business blogs, big-business blogs, video blogs (vlogs), educational blogs...the list goes on and on. But one thing is for sure...if you have the means to maintain a blog, it can’t hurt.
The Bare Necessities
Whether you’ve had your website for decades or you are starting from scratch, there are a few elements or features that every website really needs to have.
3-2-1...Launch! Now What?
You just launched a nice, shiny, new website. The process of getting there was undoubtedly a fair amount of work and now you can’t wait to reap the benefits of your fresh online presence.
The Top 5 Questions We Get About Using Facebook for Marketing
We get a lot of questions about Facebook. Almost everyone uses it, but many small to mid-sized companies seem unsure of how to take advantage of its extraordinary reach. We hope this helps.
A comprehensive plan for a strong web presence, part 4 - Best Practices: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
This is one in a series of posts on best practices in all aspects of building and maintaining a strong online presence. See also: Content Marketing; Email Marketing; Social Media Marketing (Coming Soon.... Web Design)
A comprehensive plan for a strong web presence, part 3 - Best Practices: Social Media Marketing
This is one in a series of posts on best practices in all aspects of building and maintaining a strong online presence. See also: Content Marketing; Email Marketing; SEO (Coming Soon.... Web Design.)