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More Blogs by WRIS Web Services
The Benefits of Using Elementor for your WordPress Site
Can you remember what it was like creating a website twenty or so years ago? In case you forgot, building an engaging website was a time-consuming collaboration among copywriters, developers, and project managers who required extensive coding knowledge. Making a few simple changes to the site was a frustratingly long process.
A Closer Look: Benefits of using React and Angular
A Closer Look:Benefits of using React and Angular
Starting behind the scenes, both Angular and React are part of a group known as “JavaScript Frameworks”. Using these frameworks, developers can efficiently develop interactive and professional looking web applications.
Still Growing After all These Years WRIS - 25th Anniversary
25th Anniversary! Back in 1995, the Internet, its purpose, and its potential, was not yet obvious to the business world. AOL “You’ve got mail”, dial up connections, and getting on the ‘world wide web’ may now qualify as old school, but it was something that was brand new, a little mysterious, and intrigued Charlie Meyers. “What was this ‘Internet’ and how was it going to impact virtually everything for the future?”
Previous Awards
View a list of all awards won by WRIS Web Services over the many years in practice.
Creating Content and Making it Interesting
Creating routine content that engages users typically correlates to higher seo ranking. The goal isn’t to just add new content to your website, but to make that content engaging for your site visitors. This doesn’t necessarily mean blogging, but blogging is a very effective and efficient “organic” method to achieve that favor from the search engine algorithms.
Brand Identity: more than a logo
“A Brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or company. A Brand is not what YOU say it is. A Brand is what THEY say it is.”
- Martin Neumeier in “The Brand Gap”